TNT First-Aid is the best product and training company for all of your needs.
Call for pricing on first-aid training and to schedule your session. 800 868-4003.
TNT First-Aid has awesome first-aid products as well as several types of first-aid training available. You will be trained by professionals that work in the field of EMS and emergency care. We are also the company that released the first ever video based first aid app for your phone. The app content is downloaded to your phone or other device and will walk you through all types of medical emergencies from nose bleeds to fractures or punctured lungs. The fact that the content downloads to your phone and uses less then 30 MB of storage makes it quick and easy to use even if you do not have cell phone service. First aid books cost 10 times the amount the app costs and will not give you that real looking injury to treat as you follow along. The app is called Virtual Medic and is available on iOS and Android products. We also now have Virtual Medic ASL with all of the video in sign language with subtitles. Download it today, it may help you save the life of someone you love.
What we offer
- First-Aid Product Sales
- CPR/First Aid Training American Heart Association
- OSHA Written documents and programs
- Tool Box talks
- OSHA Safety Inspections/ OSHA training courses
- Safety Products
- Amazing Customer Service
- Emergency Planning for homes and businesses
- 16 hour disaster medicine training course
- Active shooter training course
- Mass Casualty disaster drills